Earlier this year I decided to stop eating gluten and wine. Several months previous to this decision I started to pay close attention to how I felt after each meal with particular attention paid to how I felt after eating foods like pizza, pasta, sandwiches and other gluten rich foods. I noticed that after a gluten rich meal I would feel sluggish, fatigued and on occasion I would develop a headache. So I decided to give up gluten completely. It was a fairly simple choice after I recognized that gluten effects me negatively. I don’t like feeling tired. I don’t like headaches. So I stopped eating things that made me feel terrible. For me it is that simple.
One month later I considered my progress. I don’t ever feel sluggish like before no matter how much I eat. I can eat a whole box of quinoa pasta and I will not experience any sluggishness or headaches. I feel stuffed and I feel energized. Huge difference for me.
Now looking back I see that dropping gluten from my diet has been hugely beneficial for me. I have lost a few pounds, though nothing too exciting, I have noticed some repigmentation on my right hand where most of the top of my hand was without pigment and I think I have had repigmentation in other areas though it is not as clear. I started to do some research into gluten allergies and Vitiligo. Seems like there is a correlation for many people between Celiac’s disease and Vitiligo. This is the case for me. Is this the case for you? Would love to hear from people that have Celiac’s disease and Vitiligo, or have Vitiligo and wonder if they have Celiac’s.
I developed a patch of Vitiligo on my left ankle and leg when I was 5 years old. I have also developed some other small patches over my body throughout the years. I am now 31, and was diagnosed with Celiac Disease 4 weeks ago. I have been living on the internet trying to make sense of all the info and learn everything I can about Celiac as it was a diagnosis I NEVER expected. I an amazed to be finding so much info on this possible connection between the two. I’m anxious to see if my Vitiligo will possible clear up after going GF……I’ve read about a few cases that has had this happen 6 month to a year after going GF.
Hey Lynn,
I don’t know if going gluten free is a cure for me. But I do know I have experienced repigmentation since going gluten free. It has been extremely encouraging for me and I have become only more dedicated to a diet supportive of my body. I eat more greens, I eat less meat, more fish and far less dairy. I find that the more I explore food choices the more interesting and exciting food becomes. Eliminating certain foods has not been as heavy a burden as I imagined. As an adult it is easier to make these dietary choices. Some of my readers balk at the notion of going gluten free because gluten rich foods make up the majority of their diet.
I would love to hear from you as you continue your journey into changing you diet and treating your disease. Also, I am always curious to find good gluten free recipes.
Ps. quinoa pasta tastes pretty good!
Hello. My name is Henry. My mother few years back received a diagnosis of Celiac and warned me that I should have it too. I didn’t listen and kept eating my usual. Felt how I typically felt just didn’t want to accept an allergy to anything. I my whole life I saw allergies as a terrible weakness if faced with extreme survival situations. A year ago developed a small rash and was told yes it was do to wheat allergy. Well I accepted it and have gone gluten free and have to say feel with a lot more energy and my terrible acid attacks are gone. I few weeks ago I noticed a small white spot between my thumb and index finger I feel that its vitiligo. Now I find this so yes maybe there is a connection with celiac and vitiligo. I wonder if the people with vitiligo may not know that they have a terrible wheat allergy. The vitiligo if I have it now I feel that its due to years of heavy wheat diet just like the rash that was do to years of eating wheat and my body couldn’t take it anymore.
Just wanted to say I am also diagnosed with Celiac and Vitiligo. After staying on a strict gluten free diet for a while I noticed my Vitiligo spots clearing up.
Hi, great site. your post reminded me of when I was really into bodybuilding and eating right, and I too experienced some re-pigmentation. Anyway I look forward to your site growing and contributing to find a cure. PS Have you thought about adding a forum?
Hey Alejandro,
Thanks for dropping by. I have thought about a forum, and at some point that will happen when I make the time to set it up.
I was at a wedding yesterday and it was great fun, and I skipped the cake because it was filled with gluten. I feel like I am growing more and more disciplined about my diet and I am noticing a difference in my over all health. It is rewarding. For me it is all about developing good habits.
Keith, I have had Vitiligo for over 11 years now. I am 32 and have a son. It runs in the family as my brother has it too. I was pretty distressed to see that my 2 yr old son has started showing signs of Vitiligo around his eyes. Desperate to attempt to find a permanent cure and reversal for my son I discovered that there are lots of posts regarding Celiac and Vitiligo connection. I also realized that I often feel bloated and tired throughout the day. Reading your post I feel we have had a common experience. Going gluten-free for 3 days has done wonders to my energy level and I am excited! I hope this will be a permanent solution and definitely would like this to cure our skin.
I’ve had vitiligo since I was about 12 or so it wasn’t until I turned 38 when a couple thing started to happen. First, I was diagnosed as being being lactose intolerant, then about a year later I was still not feeling quite right, but the test results always came back negative for celiac. My new doctor tested me for all kinds of issues, and I came up as being allergic to wheat.
What happened next was very interesting, since I was essentially forced to cut out dairy and wheat, within about two months I started noticing repigmentation. That’s what really had me curious. After reading numerous articles and other forums, I was noticing the same thing, people are going gluten free and are repigmenting. One site, was from a doctor with vitiligo, he had mentioned the same thing, along with many others in his comments. Also the National Vitiligo Foundation had a few articles on repigmentation and suppliments, namely a combo of B-12, C, PABA, and Folic acid.
A combo of gluten free and the vitamin regimen really set me down the right path. I highly suggest the ‘paleo diet’ and easing into it, it takes a little time, but I guarantee you will feel, and hopefully look better.
I have seen some repigmentation as well, though I have not been as dairy free as I should be. I love cheese!
I am also on C and b complex. I am also on ginko and a couple other things.
We will see if there is lasting results. I am totally off gluten which has been a life changer. So much healthier.
Thanks for stopping by.
I agree. Celiac was once ocnsidered a chhdliood disease. Studies have shown that most often, chidren who were diagnosed with Celiac, grow up to be adults with unexplained symptoms. All Celiac’s know that this is one of the most difficult dignoses to make. Many doctors still treat the individual symptoms, without treating the underlying cause, which is the very food we consume to stay alive. I have found that, in retrospect, i have had symptoms all my life. Having been misdiagnosed, it took my Uncle, then my Grandfather almost dying, and being dignosed with Celiac sprue to bring the disease to my attention. Seems my family was full of undiagnosed Celiacs, and we have all benefitted from a gluten free diet.
You all have some ideas but I think it is very narrow thinking
At first all about Vitiligo seems connected to increased / damaged gut/stomach lining… eliminating gluten can be good first step if only that is root of problems…
I will rather find if you do not have hypochlohydria/ Helicobacter infection/ cow milk intolerance
When you fix up that problem you can digest everything again including gluten…
It is not hiting in the point when you really fix up problem in two months there will be not freckling but almost complete repigmentation
So you should start with
1. Gastroskopy (very very high chances of inflamation/athrophy… wenn you got athrophy it can be for life like vit)
2. Ige titers when increased serach for single allergies… cow milk is most probably
3. ttg A Ceoliac and eliminating Gluten wehen it i with genetic backround another tests
That are roots and most probably reasons… esspecialy low stomach secretion…
costs of that therapy are unaceptable by pharma industry… there is nothing to patent… you can be sure you dont get such recommendation from you doctor as long he want keep his position…
So gluten intolerance can be effect of some more basic process…
when you have coeliac check copper level as well it can be decreased…
I’ve had vitiligo for 8 years, and in the past six months it has really gotten worse, but I’ve also started to get stomach aches with dairy products and food like cakes/biscuits etc…I don’t know if its Celiac disease but wanted to know if anyone found their vitiligo got worse when digestion symptoms like this began to show?
I have had vitiligo since I was 2. It spread from my thumbs to my hands, to my feet, to my knees. I married a woman who recently found out she has celiacs. Both she and I have cut out gluten. (Well, I sneak it in every so often). I have also cut out dairy (as I am allergic). It has been a year and a half. I haven’t noticed repigmentation, but boy do I feel better. I no longer get the headaches or sluggishness either (except on those rare ocassions that I sneak some gluten when I’m at work).
I have had vitiligo for about 4 years now and it gets worse every day I wake up. Its very depressing. About a year and a half ago, I started this awefully horrendous vomiting after I eat bread, pasta, pancakes etc. I had some blood tests done, finally, and I have celiacs. I am excited to read that gluten free diet can help with both and I can’t wait to slowly look and feel better. your story is very inspiring and gives me something to look forward to. I am finding most GP’s are useless and it frustrates me so to hear a real persons story is encouraging.
Hi Rachel,
I had a similar story. After my son was born, I was vomitting, digestive issues, and cramping was worse than childbirth. The GP sent me to a GI and was convinced it was my gall bladder. After testing,scans,and more tests realized it was Heliobacter Pylori which was a simple blow in a bag test. It’s taken so many rounds of drugs to get rid of it. My next test is in 60 days. In the meantime, I’ve gotten vitiligo. When I cut out gluten, the cramps, and digestive issues have subsided.
Hi, I got vitiligo since I was 11 years old, I’m 52 now, and I have been gluten free for the last 3 years. My headaches gone, fibromyalgia, joint pain, depression, lost 30 pounds, I feel like a new person.
About a year ago or more, I started to see some repigmentation, my arms were totally depigmented. Vitiligo had spread all over my body. I learned to live with it. I stopped thinking about a cure, I thought it would not happen in my lifetime.
The repigmentation is going fast, my son is taking pictures of the process. It is like a miracle, specially because I was not expecting this. I showed this to the dermatologist, he was not even interested in seeing the change, just like that.
Please guys, do your own research. We know vitiligo is an autoinmune disease. We have known that for a long time. What we did not know is that wheat is the villain. For some of us wheat starts a cascade of autoinmune response that ends up in killing the melanocytes.
I read Dr. A.Fasano’s paper on “Celiac Disease Insights: Clues to Solving Autoinmmunity” and I thought I want to stop this autoinmmune response. I new I was totally gluten intolerant, I’m not celiac. Gluten makes me sick, tired, moody,etc. So I stopped the gluten and my body started healing.
My legs have been plagued by vitiligo since I was 11, now about 2 weeks ago, after a trip to the beach I started to see some brown spots on my legs! I thought those melanocytes were dead for ever!
I need to say I eat plenty of green vegetables and leaves, meats, fish and fruits, specially berries, lots of nuts and I take lots of Vit B-12(sublingual) because we know that gluten destroys your gut, therefore you can not absorb nutrients.
Goos luck to you guys, I know vitiligo can be devastating. I never let vitiligo rule my life. I went to school and became a registered nurse, I got married to a wonderful husband and have two incredible children.
Some books I recommend ” Wheat Belly”(Dr.W.Davis) , “Celiac Disease-A Hidden Epidemic”(Dr.Peters) and “Gluten free Diet” (E.Hasselback)
Hi Amanda-
Thank you for your post. I am a 47 year old woman, diagnosed 2 years ago with thyroid disease. About a month ago I noticed a spot on my chest and one on the fold of my left arm. After seeing my derm last week, she pointed out additional spots that I never noticed (between my legs, under my arm). I am light so without a tan, they are not noticeable at all. So, I was officially diagnosed a week ago with vitiligo. A little overwhelmed, I have been on the internet reading and digesting all that I can about this disease. I found your post to be very helpful. Thank you- I am trying to figure out where to start- especially with changing my diet. This is something that I have been wanting to do for a while so now is the time! Your post has given me hope- Thank you- Susan
Good luck.
I forgot to say I also use coconut oil in my cooking now, I am not sure if that has also contributed to all the healing process. It does not hurt to add some good fats to your diet.
Yes, a strong correlation between celiac and vitiligo. I started getting vitiligo about 15 years ago….was diagnosed with celiac 7 years later. Autoimmune diseases in general are related. If you have one, your odds are great that you will develop a second one. Unfortunately my vitiligo had developed to such an extent that going gluten free didn’t help. For some people, if they catch it early enough, going gluten free can help to halt the progress of vitiligo.
FYI…I’m an ND so watch out for supplement that claim to cure vitiligo, or those that say you can eat gluten if you take them. Total bs.
There is also a difference between celiac and gluten sensitivity. I would suggest if you have vitiligo, insist your doctor test you for celiac. If you are diagnosed you MUST give up gluten. Vitiligo would be the least of your concerns. There is no such thing as a “mild case” of celiac. Your risk of numerous diseases increases dramatically if you are celiac and continue to eat gluten, including intestinal cancer.
Hello Keith,
I’m already gluten free. However, I love my wine and cheese. I was gluten and dairy free when I was breast feeding my son because he was sensitive to the dairy and had cradle cap. Once I cut them both out, his rash went away. I have to admit, cutting out wine during pregnancy was very hard, almost as hard as the sushi.
Is there a reason you cut out wine? By the way, my nutritionist says that the antibiotics in the farm raised fish creates extra yeast so it’s best to stay with wild fish. Regarding wine, she said as long as it isn’t stored in oak barrels, it’s gluten free. One of the products they use to seal the oak barrels has gluten.
I really love your site. I’ve spent so many hours online and hands down, the best out there!
Wow! I am so incredibly happy to see this discussion!
I’m 44 and started developing vitiligo a little over two years ago. It started pretty unremarkably with a couple of quarter sized patches on my torso. In the last four months, however, it has spread to my hands and face. I’m naturally very pale so if I stay out of the sun it isn’t that noticeable unless I point it out.
Problem is that after months of feeling horrible (since the vitiligo started spreading, in fact) I’ve just been diagnosed as being very vita D deficient (my level is 14). I was stunned, I’m a US expat living in South Africa where a lovely, sunny summer is just ending. Before that, I was visiting North Carolina for 8 weeks of the US summer. That’s a lot of sun exposure to be vita D deficient.
Just yesterday, I emailed my endo to test for celiac (I have many of the more unattractive symptoms) to see if it isn’t playing a role in the Vita D. I’m now fascinated that it could also be connected to the vitiligo!!
Thanks to everyone who has posted. Your words have made a big difference to my determination to push my endo if he isn’t responsive!
Hello all,
I want to thank you for all useful information that you shared with each other. My son 6 years old is diagnosed with vitiligo. Vitiligo has starts in his fingers of right hand and i am affraid how vitiligo can progres. All dr doesnt admit that have a connection between vitiligo and alergy… Only thing they said “if the theroide test is ok that means vitiligo is from DNA and you cant change anything”. I will become my son’doctor and i will find from his vitiligo comes..,thank you for all these info in this web!! God bless you!!
I am highly encouraged reading all these comments. As a vitiligo patient, I want to try out some of these suggestions and look forward to the positive changes. Thank you everyone for sharing.