If you have vitiligo and are thinking about suicide please this number: 1-800-273-8255. If you want to talk to me, Keith Evans, know that I would love to talk to to you anytime. This is my mobile number: (650) 918-7779. So please feel free to call me. Also, if you would rather talk online, we will arrange a time to talk: email me at keith @ ihavevitiligo . com.
Please note: I am not a trained professional and this website is merely a forum for individuals to get together to discuss their experiences with vitiligo.
I was checking my analytics today and I saw that someone had typed into google “i have vitiligo and im thinking about suicide.” This stopped me in my tracks. I have had vitiligo now for several years. I deal every day with the difficulty that vitiligo brings. It is hard to have vitiligo. It is depressing. It degrades your self-confidence. And I have let this disease stop me from going outside, from going on dates, from wearing shorts, from wearing sandals and from living my life as I want.
But this is not all that vitiligo has done for me. Vitiligo forced me to confront the ways in which is constructed my own self worth. I had to question the foundations upon which I developed my sense of self. It is easy in modern day America to be obsessed with looks. It is easy to be consumed with looking good. It is easy to be vain. Vanity runs rabid in this country.
And then you get diagnosed with a disease that has no cure and only gets worse with time. You get diagnosed with a disease that disfigures you more and more as you age. Your doctors give you no real hope. People look at you differently. You look at yourself differently. You worry about how people look at you. You get scared about how people will treat you.
People do look at you differently. People do notice. People do comment. I have heard from people in high school and primary school how mean people can be, how kids and teenagers do ostracize each other because of dermatological difference.
Willis commented on a post:
“I wish I had your optimism, I’ve been having vitiligo since elementary school. At first it didn’t bother me because I didn’t know what it was nor was I interested, but as time went by it kept spreading all over and kids kept asking me what happened to my skin. That was when I was a real outgoing person, now I just isolate myself from people I don’t know and always wear long sleeves to cover the marks on my arms, but I can’t hide the ones on my face. I lost my confidence and motivation to do anything. It’s even hard to go to church without little kids having to yell out “mommy look at his skin!!” It’s really dificult being in public and having this disease… :\”
I just isolate myself from people…it kills me to read that.
Eve writes:
“I have a patch of vitiligo near the bottom of my lip, and I’ve had it since I was in 5th grade ( about 11 ] and my lips are what you can say ” discolored “. I also have some patches only my right foot, and since I’ve fallen I have a patch on my left knee which is taking what seems to be taking forever to heal. I used to have tiny dots on my wrists, but they’ve gone away. I am dark skinned, so it shows more than anything. Who knew what this would bring me to? Now all i have to tell myself is expect the unexpected. Anyways, this sucks because I’m only 13 and have thought about suicide so many times that I can count :/ But I’ve told myself if I end my life, all my hopes and dreams would be drained. Think about all the people I would hurt, my niece keeps me motivated she’s only 2 and I want to be there to see her graduate, college. I cry everytime someone makes fun of me, I’ve been called bleached skin, Michael Jackson, and more. So many little things, but they hurt the most, and make my self esteem lower. I try to let it not get to me, but when I get home all hell breaks out. I don’t talk to anyone. I try to tell myself they’re just ignorant.. but it doesn’t help. There’s one other girl in my school that has Vitiligo, but I only speak to her at basketball practice. I sometimes want to start a conversation with her during the day, but I just don’t know how to. We have different personalities, but she’s the only other person that knows what it feels like to be in my shoes. Although for her she has a big circle patch on her forehead, and on her arms and legs. Her inner beauty shines through. She has the perfect smile, I guess one day I will talk to her. But probably not anytime soon.. Sometimes when people ask me, “What’s that on your lip,” or “What happened to your lip?” I just say nothing, but if they still continue to question me, I make up something dumb like It’s my allergies. Now, I give up, I’ve decided to speak up and say I have Vitiligo, it’s not contagious, if you still wanna talk to me; I’m here, if not.. It was nice meeting you. I believe I’m a nice person, but I guess now people judge you on the outside, before even saying, hello. I hope one day to meet someone with Vitiligo, or even many people; so I can just talk, because right now it seems no one understands. Mostly because where I live, there aren’t many people with the condition. But I feel like everything happens for a reason, and I am special in my own ways.”
Vitiligo breeds shame, embarrassment and it is damaging.There is no getting around this. For people with vitiligo every day is a struggle. But there is more than shame and embarrassment and damage. There is life! There are friends and family and lovers and food. I love food. I love friends and my family. They are precious to me. They are sustaining.
My friends refused to allow me to dwell on the negative effects of vitiligo. My friends refused to allow me to draw conclusions about my attractiveness. Would the opposite sex find me attractive with my disease? Yes they would and they do! Yes people will meet me and like me and enjoy my company. No, my dermatological difference will not be a marker of my inferiority. It is me. I am beautiful regardless of the variations in my skin tone.
When people talk about suicide and vitiligo I think about the difficulty that I have faced and I understand that question, that question that is called the only real question of philosophy. To be or not to be?
I would ask anyone that is wondering whether or not to continue living to reach out to the other people that live with vitiligo and talk to them. Ask them how they manage to live. Ask them how they find love. Ask them how they manage to get through each day having fun and looking forward to tomorrow.
Life is full and wonderful and vitiligo is part of my life. Have you thought about suicide? How do you deal with your vitiligo?
Hello, my name is sam, im 23 and i have been living with vitiligo since i was 13. I know no with this ugly disease an its really hard to deal with at times. I read about people vitiligo and they have found ways to deal with it but it seems i cant. I Hate, i just want to be normal, i just don want to feel like this anymore. Ive thought of suicide everyday. I always wondered why me, why?? what did i do? the thing that really bothers me is that i will never have a real relationship. no one will ever be attracted to me. Sometimes i feel like a monster…i Need Help
Hey Sam,
So happy you wrote in. did you see the facebook page we set up? here is the address: http://www.facebook.com/Ihavevitiligo
You will find a bunch of people there that have vitiligo and deal with vitiligo. I think it would be great if you joined. there is a vitiigo community here: http://www.vitiligofriends.org/ I have found that connecting with people with vitiligo, talking with them, listening to them helps you find the strength to deal with your disease.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. You can find me at: http://www.facebook.com/keithrevans
Thanks Keith for just reaching out and listening to me. You seriously should consider being a therapist. Having vitiligo has been difficult and I felt like you truly connected to what I was saying and have experienced. You really have a positive approach and I and outlook on life…I’ll get there! I alteady feel better after our conversation. Thank you, Chris
La différence est toujours dure à accepter, je sais bien. Mais pense que tes tâches te servent à voir rapidement si tu as affaire à des cons ou pas. C’est comme un détecteur de conneries….. Je suis atteinte de cette maladie depuis 13ans. Je suis très féminine et je dois tous les jours combattre pour ne pas me laisser envahir paf la détresse mélancolie et la stupidité des autres….
Courage tu es une belle personne et c’est pour cela que tu es tâche. Bises
English translation from google translate:
The difference is always hard to accept, I know. But you think your job is used to quickly see if you’re dealing with idiots or not. It’s like a bullshit detector ….. I am suffering from this disease for 13 years. I am very feminine and I have to fight every day for not letting me invade bam distress melancholy and stupidity of others ….
Courage you are a beautiful person and that’s why you’re task. Hugs
Even though vitiligobhas already stolen my life I’m 33. Well I know the most beautiful girl in the world. I said to myself I’m going to ask this girl for her number. I prayed God would give courage to ask for her number. I asked for her number and got it. Well when she find out I actually wAntes to sate her. Of course she said I was nice but she would not date me makes me feel suicidal the pain is crushing until you have no spirit left in you. I told myself I’m going to ask this girl out regardless of what happens. A coward dies a thousand deaths but a hero dies only once. I’m proud of myself that I mustered the courage to even ask the girl out. At least I know it’s beyond my control . Even know the girl has a beautiful heart. I would not want to date her if she had vitiligo like me. Prayed and fasted many many times. What is so painful is gathering hope for 20 years and contunially getting worse. Watched a documentary of a serial killer. He kidnapped a woman and raped her repeatedly and shocked her with electrical cords. She was tortured so much that it broke her spirit. Her abductor left her in a car with the keys in it. He told her to stay in the car he went into the wood. She could of escaped. But her spirit was broken down from the torture. She had lost all hope and willpower. She just stayed in the car. That is the best way I can describe vitiligo. When someone tells me it’s not such a bad thing. It is no different then being raped and shocked and tortured until you lose all willpower to live. Your motivation to live will be none .
Hello there… It’s really nice from you to share information about vitiligo and help people with this problem. My name is Raphael and I’m from southern Brazil. I have vitiligo since I was 14 y/o, it got worse when I lost my mother in 1999… Till this year it had stopped growing but now during summer, as I take some sun light on my face sometimes (even wearing sunblock), I can see some white spots around my face… I confess I got really worried about it and afraid about my future… but I got convinced that being different than other people sometimes is kinda cool and make me feel special… I like myself very much and passing thru the situation I can see that people around me give me support and keep being my truly friends. I still wait for a cure… for now I use a medication called Elidel… some doctors said it works better after 3 months of treatment…. Let’s hope even because it’s really expensive. =)
Hey Raphael,
Thanks for writing in. I am glad to hear about the sustaining influence of your friends. It is the same for me. My friends have refused to allow me to feel sorry for myself. Great people.
One note on the Elidel: I too was prescribed elidel. What I found out was that elidel was not created for vitiligo, it was created for kids dealiing with eczema. It modulates the immune system. It was given a black label because it was found to encourage the growth of cancer. You can read more here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000236
Hope things work well for you.
Thank you for the information about Elidel, I’ve heard something about what you said too… What are you using on your skin?
Hey Raphael,
Step one for me was coming to terms with these facts: Vitiligo has no cure and the standardized treatments have toxic side effects which can include increased susceptibility to cancer.
Step two is for me to change my lifestyle to be sustainably healthy, bodily and mentally.
Vitiligo can have a significant effect on my mental state, my sense of worth and well being. It can effect my confidence. So I fight that with my faith, friends and activities. What you imagine yourself to be is as important as what other people think of you. Lead the conversation around your own disease. Lead the perspective on vitiligo. Take control of your own body and its significance at every opportunity.
I took a look at foods that may be causing problems with my body. Each body is different so how you address these issues will almost certainly be different than mine.
That’s it for me. I decided I don’t have time and money for continual medical treatments that may cause more serious problems than they remedy.
Hey Kieth :
I’ve been reading your blog since August, I didn’t have the courage then to step up and acknowledge-by leaving a comment here my disease as vitiligo,because no doctor I have had gone to had officially diagnosed me with it , although I knew I have it but I wouldn’t admit to it.Two years now had gone since these white patches started to spread around my face, a few ones around my neck and a single patch on my left chest.And because I’m always surrounded by my family and friends who believe in my inside & outside beauty,saying uplifting things to me and showing their support to me, I never thought about suicide or anything close to harming my self and sometimes days would go by without having the slightest worries about my face, so it’s always like this disease never existed.However, I got to live days like hell where I’d break down and lose hope in every beautiful thing in my life ,I’d get depressed,terryfied and well-absorbed by the thinking , especially when I’m at weddings or parties where there are many well dressed and beautiful girls who make me feel out-casted ,the discomforting looks the disgusted stares associated with sympthy that all make me realize that I’m foolish to let my self be too drawn to the world my people had provided me with and that I’m still ugly and that is that.
I think this is going to be my very first encounter with people who are in my shoes at all. am excited and sad, excited that I’m going to be able to tell my story share my experince with people who totally know the intense pain that we go through, sad to know that there are others who have to suffer.
Hey Alaa,
Thank you so much for commenting here. The feedback and stories and more encouraging than I could have imagined when I started. What a good family and friends you have. Mine are the same. They sustain me when I need encouragement. I have also found that connecting with people that also suffer from vitiligo is also encouraging, particularly kids and teenagers because for them it can be much more difficult. It does get better with time and age and your confidence does grow.
I have been thinking about my next post and I think I will be talking about beauty, where it comes from and where it goes. It is a complex issue. Having read your comment I know you are beautiful and you are determined to continue being beautiful. I am grateful for that.
It can be so hard to deal with vitiligo, but there is so much more to life that is wondrous and fulfilling. Thank you for affirming that for me.
I’m 31 years old and developed vitiligo 2 years ago, which has since grown to consume a larger portion of my face. I’ll never foget the day that I awoke and looked in the mirror as I was brushing my teeth and noticed this white spot around my right eye. At first I had an ill feeling that it would be something that wouldn’t go away, although I retreated to denial, believing that it was something that would disappear. As a few months went by and the area became larger, I consulted a dermatologist who confirmed my fears. Long story short the area has not only spred in diameter, but I’m noticing other areas of my face where discoloration is begining to take shape. A year prior to this discovery I was under alot of stress alongside with being extremely depressed from a break-up with a long term girlfreind and the passing of my niece. Researching this condition I believe that my inability to cope with these losses may have been the catalyst to this condition. I find myself continuously asking myself why me??? I always thought of myself as being emotionally strong, although as time moves on along with the spreading of this condition discoloration, I oftent wonder where life will take me, and if I’ll have the emotioanal strength to cope and manage with this emotionally devestating disfigurating condition. As i struggle to get my career on track, my ambition to go forward is hindered by the ever growiing thought of weather efforts are worth it. Will being hired and living out my dreams be derailed by this disfiguring condition? Who knows! Its a question that I often find myself asking. I just hope and pray that I’ll wake up one day and have the face that I was born with back again.
Hey Arthur,
Thanks so much writing in and sharing your story. I continue to be encouraged by the telling of stories like yours. Stories of frustration, realization, struggle, hope, fear and strength. We all struggle here to deal with the reality of our epidermis in the most productive way possible. I do think stress plays a significant role with health and well being. For me, the mental struggle is primary. If I can project confidently a self image that is strong and assured then I am winning. Some days I win. Some days I don’t.
Again, thanks for sharing.
I ‘ve had vitiligo since I was 6. Was bullied all through school. Im now a 22 year old virgin and never even had a girlfriend, have no friends, no social life. I’ve stressed myself out so much that I developed crohn’s disease at the age of 14. I feel like everywhere I go people are staring at me.
It started off as a small patch on my back, but now its all over my face and other areas. I don’t feel confident in myself. Am I gonna be alone the rest of my life?
I look down at the floor when I walk. I can’t look up at people. I’ve heard there is an injection that you can take in order to turn your skin all one colour. Should I go for it or am i being weak? All the medication iv’e tried have failed. Ive’ got the most loving and supporting mother in the world. She’s the only one who makes me fell worthy in life. You have to find some one who genuinely supports you whether this be a family member or friend. This makes you feel happier.
God bless all of you,
Don’t be as weak as I am,
Thank you for listening, A
Hey buddy,
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your candid telling of how you feel. Vitiligo can be a hard disease to deal with and it can seem at times as if there is no way to deal with it successfully.
Still, I prefer to look at it this way: every day you get up, go outside and face the world you are dealing with vitiligo successfully. No matter if your head is held high or not.
You can’t forget how amazing it is that you still face world every day and that this action is a triumph of your spirit. When you came to this website and share your story, when you talk about your struggle and you offer advice to those of us that read your story, you are proving you are stronger than you think you are.
That is the one thing that has saved me and you too it would seem. I think you have what it takes to lift your head as you walk through this world, proud of what you are and what you are doing. You are more than a skin color and I think that if you help people see you rather than your disease, people will appreciate you for who you are.
From accross the internet I appreciate who you are and your struggle and what grounds you. You know you are loved. I too have parents that love me. It is an advantage that some people don’t have.
Will you give people a chance to meet you? Will you take a chance that someone will appreciate you for something other than normal skin tone?
Again, thank you for writing in and telling your story and being honest and getting out of your own head. Thank you for helping others here on this website.
All the best,
My ten year old baby has vitilago since she was three. Research has taught me that vitilago is an incurable skin disorder, and not a disease. I have tried every year to educate her teachers of this fact, but with no success. My daughter has No friends and some of her teachers scone and shout at her for no apparent reason. Academically, she outsmarts most of her colleagues. ANY ADVICE ON HOW I CAN DEAL WITH TEACHER?
Hey raj,
I will put together a list of resources for you to use to help explain to the staff the nature of this disease.
Also, I have a friend in nigeria that may be helpful and I will email her and ask for her advice.
Hello Raj,
I have a parent here in Nigeria who had same problem when the teachers started getting worried as other parents started complaining of the sfety of their children, all she did was to take our simple Brochure to them and they read it and understood. You can download this handbook http://www.vitsaf.org/bookschool.htm and send to them or if you can forward it, that will be good too.
This is a link to our awareness and enlightenment videos which you may make them see to really understand http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhum, this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svYjaVMkHNw is specifially for a child though not School scenario.
I hope this helps. Please feel free to call on us anytime, we are for us, alwys remember you are not alone
Hey. I’m 13 and I’ve had vitiligo my entire life. When I was little I didn’t notice, or even cared about it. But as soon as I got older, I and everyone else started to notice. Everyone at school notices and either just stares at it and tries to avoid to touch me, or ask about it in a mocking way. They usually make fun of me, pale nerd, spotted weirdo, and everything else. “hey, don’t you ever go outside, loser?”. If only they knew the irony of that statement. I want to play baseball or football, but that takes an assload of sunscreen so I rather stay inside and play xbox live. I didn’t care at first because deep down I knew they were kidding and that I a couple friends and a girlfriend that understands and helps me. Sometimes, sometimes I think I can’t beat it. Like I’m fighting a war with myself and I should just give up. Please, I just want to be normal. I seriously consider suicide sometimes. Help me.
Hey Nate,
Thanks for telling your story here and being honest about how you feel sometimes.
The first thing I would want you to know is this: thinking about suicide every now and then is something that most people do. It is normal.
Second, you are doing good. You have friends that care about you and don’t let you wallow in self-pity. You have a girlfriend who cares about you. At 13 that’s doing good in my book.
Third, I would suggest that you not let your disease stop you from playing sports. Go outside! Play games outside. I understand that it can be hard to deal with the criticism of others. It never get easy. Other people can be mean.
As you get older people will mature as will you. It gets better as you get older. You will make friends. You will have a girlfriend, a wife, a family.
Also, assloads of suncreen are good for everyone, not just people with vitiligo. Don’t get stuck inside your head.
You are normal. You are normal because you have concerns about how people treat you. You are normal because you wonder if you are a good looking guy. You are normal because you have feelings of being less than you want to be. You wonder why things in your life are happening to you and not someone else.
These are things we all go through. I go through these things. You go through these things.
You know why I started this site? It was not to help you so much as to help me. It helps me to know that there is a 13 year old guy that has a girlfriend and vitiligo. Shit, I am single right now. You are doing better than me!
The other day I was at a gas station an saw a lady that had vitiligo. I said hello and we talked about vitiligo and what we are doing to deal with it. One thing we both do is talk about vitiligo. We need to talk about vitiligo and how we feel about vitiligo and how having vitiligo makes us feel. Don’t e afraid of your emotions. Face them. Confront them. Own them. This disease does not own you.
Don’t give the disease anymore power than it has right now. It takes away pigment. It does not need to take away your confidence, your sense of self and your sense of fun.
You are a strong person. I can tell that much because you are here online looking for answers to you problems. Keep asking, keep looking, keep working. You will get to the point where your disease only bothers you sometimes, not all the time. You will have a full and meaningful life if you want a full and meaningful life.
Thank you for coming here and helping me!
Hope to here from you soon,
Thank you so much Keith. You help alot of people out on here, especially me. I couldn’t imagine a world without people like you, dude.
i have to be honest, im very pale so people in the school didnt really realize the fact i ahve vitiligo… so i was really unaware of my skin problem till i turn 26….from my 6 till i was 20 i was so outspoken, talkative, actually listen to heavymetal, dressing on black , aggresive sometimes, telling people them problems first…u know? the attitude of attack first so they have to cover them and distracting the point into another person point…. ( sorry 4 the way i express, im from Argentina, and english is not even given in schools) well, i highly recommend be free, move free, feel the right to be different, think different, and find the reason why you have it and try to heal…theres a new laser, studies in so many ways, Silva Method of relaxation is a psychosomatik problem…. and in teh mean time be strong, love to be odd, not like the most social consumers of vanish and lust…. and dress the way the vitiligo looks better, matching colors…i do that! im a woman… but well u know the attitud is better than the shy shame curved back that makes evryone stare at us even more! attack first!!!! love u and hugh u….ai
Hey, I’m Ana and i have vitiligo. It sounds like a AA confession but meh. I’m 17 and I’ve been diagnosed with this a few weeks ago even if i have gad it for a while. It gets really hard because I’m a teenager and I don’t know anyone who has the same problem as me…. I have some big spots on my face so they are visible. I have heard people call me in so many ways… bad ways… even friends. I get tired of people asking me ‘what’s that on your face?’ ‘is it contagious?’ and I can hardly stop my tears from falling when I hear those words. My skin is very delicate and I have some allergies too and it makes it worse because I can’t cover my vitiligo with make-up and sometimes other parts of my face gen red and I often have rashes on my face and sometimes my skin is practically falling off my face. It does not look cool at all. Very few people said that they like my white spots and that they make me special. It really made my day then. It is hard to be this sensitive when all I have ever wanted was to be strong .
And about this article : I have never taught about suicide even tough it is such a pain in the ass. Sorry for the bad words and thank you for listening/reading .
hi, i am really concerned about your issue, seems even complictae dabout the other skin issues u have, find more in Dr. piquero casals in venezuela… i have a friend living there, she will contact him on march 21 2012… so, i will know more about the process, that they apply different in evryperson…. so many reason 4 the vitiligo to appear, some are psychosomatic, another is due to the lack of vit B12, thiroids, etc tec it really depends in the person…. but they use a cream with what your skin needs, is not a cream 4 all, they create something speciall 4 u…. and your lack inthe cells…. also pills,,, also the laser….
and… im 36, i have met a lot of guys saying,,,i like you like that… u know people likes to do something different sometimes!!… WELL just drop to hugh you and tell you that is all about attitud and willing to be happy…. also u can tattoo … but first i will tell u to try to studie the skin first to u know why is going on….the hormon T3 T4 teh vitiligo is a syntomp…not a desease…. find out more about your real problem! have fun and relax, go dancing,,,dancing heals!!! KISSES
Nate!!! These people will one day realize how pathetic they are!! This is a condition that you can’t control! Kids and teenagers are incredibly insensitive when they are young because they are immature. The older you get you’ll see more people ask you about it, then talk about it behind your back or to your face. It’s a very fascinating thing in my opinion and all my insecurities have left me. Ive had vitiligo for 7 years and my only piece of advice is to just PLEASE don’t listen to others, you are perfect the way you are and it makes you unique and interesting.
Be proud of yourself!
I am fourteen years old and I am the only person I know personally that has virtiligo. Its hard, really it is. My virtiligo started at the age of 11 and it didn’t bother me.. Or anyone else.. I only had it on places that no one would see, and I was an awesomely confident person. But as I grew older the virtiligo began to spread and people started to notice. Some times they’d say nothing.. Just stare as if it were a contagious disease and others would comment and mock. My family doesn’t at all take note of it.. But its terrible when they don’t want to listen to me talk about it. I look at my friends and pictures in magazines and I see all the type of clothing and styles that I would never be able to do! I know it sounds petty but this is what goes on through a fourteen year girls mind.
Many times I feel suicidel and blame all my faliars on it. Its hard when u have no one to talk to. I’ve become an emotional wreck cause of it and I don’t know what to do about it. I’ve let myself go and constantly I’m thinking, I don’t deserve to be alive.
And typing this down.. It all seems stupid and petty and just completely insane… I just.. I just really want to be normal
waw Lameez, really i understand you, im 36, but im not really grown older, i like to dress young i have a perfect body lets say really i did a lot of dancing, bike, hiking, so first of all, is really sad to have a great body, want to dress gorgeous dresses, and know that i cant cuz such a design let most of my sking visible….i tottally understand that point, but let me tell u my story, the worst is to be sad and with bad attitud, cuz that way u make people go away just to prove that the vitiligo is the cause, while really is your mind…. and the lack of control…. i will tell u im single still, always feeling that guys feel sorry 4 me thats why they invite me out…. i used to feel pretty my whole life, until i turned 26 and find out im violet evrywhere in my face!…. i was too high to find out the true… so really i will tell you, dont blame them, dont blame the skin, i know people who has boyfriend and vitiligo, is about how you make them feel when they are with you….is like beeing racist, if you dont like the skin is racist… so change teh attitud…and, try to make mother and family talk about…. perhaps they are really ignoring that cuz they think is better 4 u, but if u need them to show some pain as well, be honest and find a therapy for the family…. im sure theres more hidden in the story of why u become white, some death, missing a place that you used to live in…or else,,,find more in Dr. Hamer… the one who wants to revolution the medicine by saying thet all starts with a shock…. you need a therapy to go back in time in your mind and cry over the issue that shocked you,,,,well u r not alone, but you r responsabile to change the mood, attitud, and find weird ways to dress sexy is a challenge… but let me suggest, to match colors , use crochet. old lace, silk and those things fresh for summer, batik, all what has clouds, spotts in it…. pearls, white, and creammy colors…have wonderful smile. and wear a hat… always… so your face wuill e less wrinkly at 36…i really look like 25!!! kisses have fun with your self and the spooky u can be,,,listen to Danzig,
THANKS Ana ines:)…. I totally agree. When I posted that comment, I was feeling morbit and depressed. But right now, I’ve decided to stop blaming and hating myself for something that is so beyond my control. If I do that, I am the one destroying my own life, not others. I tried this positive atttitude for just one day and the confidence I had gained was just remarkable!! People weren’t questioning me about it or staring at me in an odd way, instead I had made so much friends because I was confident in myself and they liked that about me :). This virtiligo isn’t a disease, its a condition, and there may be no phycial cure, but there is one mentally and emotionally. I actually thank God for this, because if I had not had this skin condition, I would have probably been a totally different person to who I am now. We need to remember, EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and God helps those who help themselves 🙂
I do have vitilgo from last 18 years. I was not bothered about that all unless it start reflecting in my daily life. I m getting rejected because of thei disease. My parents are worried bcz of my marriage. So its all about relation shop problems which i am facing. Why do perple difeerentiate in such cases I have started hating which I never did in my entire life…..What are doctors doing ???????????????????? Cant they have this problem solution……We do have a Cream to make anyone fair but We dont have anything to make the skin normal????????? Whaat a shame
really i are true there is no solution with docters
It truly is a struggle. I am seventeen and got vitiligo in Middle School. It really just sucks. There is so much pain that this disease brings. It doesn’t hurt physically, but it is emotionally draining and is a constant fight. The ironic thing is I am pretty popular in school. I class president, captain of the cross country team, and just had a lead in the play. With all that being said, it sucks knowing that I am still going to be remembered as “the guy with the spots”. I act confident, because I want people who are worse off than me to be able to look at me and say “if he can do it, so can i”. Only problem with this is its a lie. I have all this bottled up anger and stress inside of me and it leads to me being on the verge of suicide every few months. My family supports me and says that the disease doesn’t define me, but in today’s world where you are judge so quickly, it does. I want to be an actor, but why would people watch me on film, if they can barley look at me in person.
Did you know about Jon Hamm and his vitiligo?
I have vitiligo since i was 10. I have faced and am facing tremendous problems regarding my looks ( i was the one who always wanted to look best). Though my spots are less noticeable, i feel inferiority. One guy is interested in marrying me but i am confused and not sure how will i live my rest of life with him and with this condition…what do i do….
To all my friends- i feel your pain…may god does some magic to us and remove this strange disorder and give us a new life…
If he loves you for you, flaws and all, then dive into it. If he doesn’t accept you for who you then your true soul mate will be happy to know that you are one step closer to him.
I too have vitiligo , i am now 20 years old girl ,i have vitiligo since i was 5 years old .i have vitiligo on my face under my lips . during 5 to 10 years i had no problem but after that i released what a dangerous thing has happen to me , i dont know how i am alive still.. may be god want me to be a live . no one understand”s my internal pain people around me . i face problems when put spates out of my house i faced many problem in school and now in college ,,,god knows what will happen after that..
Hi Tara,
Dont worry I am also suffering from the same situation. Just be confident and you will feel good. Dont make this problem a focus in your life. Live life to the fullest and be happy you will be alright and keep one thing in mind that you will be alright one day. start doing yoga and good, have simple meal a day. Start applying melonycyl daily. It will be beneficial. Dont loose. Its gonna be alright.
hi fellas my name is tom brady(same name no relation to the football player) im 17 and ive had vitiligo since elementary and ive over come every problem with it, i still have it in the bunchs i just choose not to have surgery or any of those wacky medical pills or what not. i figured god made me this way and i might be able some help to others who have it who feel insecure about themselves. a girl im extremely close to never knew i had vitiligo until i showed her and she told me that im not a freak or ugly, that i look like channing tatum… but to anyone out there that reads this just know that your a son or daughter of god that has a mission in this life and your loved by someone in this world- Future LDS missionary Tom Brady
Hi my name is Imran I have been suffering from vitiligo for the past 20 years. Its still spreading am very worried! I am 23 now, all my friends are getting married or have girlfriends I now realise that I might never get a spouse. Ever since I was a kid it was my dream to have a family and be a proud father but now I feel like its never going to happen. I don’t have the guts to commit suicide, just living a goal less life. I cant go swimming, hate summer, low self esteem and poor confidence. Its hard everyday finding different spots on my body and seeing myself constantly changing is unbearable.
Here I am after almost 4/5 years since I wrote my post.
I just took life the way it was and accepted everything, I started swimming in shorts, wore short sleeves shirt, went to the gym and finally also got braces. I made up my mind to enjoy my life. We all have to die today or tomorrow & we only live once.
I am now happily married to the most beautiful person. She never cared about my white spots, like I was completely normal and that has increased my confidence to the max.
Even after all the good things that has happened to be lately, my vitiligo is still spreading. However, I keep myself occupied with other things. My only fear is what if I give it to my future kids! Aint want to see them going through all this…
Hello, I’m Josh & I’m 16-years-old. I’ve had Vitiligo since I was a baby, so I don’t really know what it’s like not to have it. I just want to be normal. It’s spread all over my body & I have a white patch of hair which I do get colored from time to time. My left arm is nearly completely disgustingly affected & pale, while my right is spotted & easily noticeable. It’s recently spread to my face too. I had a second-degree burn once on a beach because of my Vitiligo. I hate having to use sunscreen so much. I used to think Vitiligo made me unique, then came puberty; last year, I became really insecure and self-conscious. People normally don’t comment on it, but I do constantly get stared at in public, especially if my white hair isn’t colored or if I’m not wearing a hood. I hate going out in public. It makes me really depressed and I feel like I’m a freak sometimes. I’ve never had a girlfriend or a date, and I know I’m only 16, so I’ve got time, but I cannot help but think it’s my Vitiligo. It caused me to become more shy & introverted than I already was. All my friends have had a girlfriend before. I try not to dwell on that too much. Last year I fell into deep depression & I tried suffocating myself twice in the week before my birthday, but I couldn’t go through with it. I’ve been called various names before, even by my own friend. Some include “skunk”, “white-patch”, “pasty/pale-skin”, etc. I hate when someone asks about it. Most of my classmates think my Vitiligo is just a gigantic birthmark. I think the main cause of my depression with it is just because I keep thinking about it & putting myself down. Heck, I’ve even cried myself to sleep. It’s a really degrading disorder that I would never wish upon anyone. I hope a cure is found before I die. I just dread the day the disorder has claimed my entire body. There is much more I’m sure I could say about my experiences with Vitiligo, but for now, there’s my story. I thought talking to others with it could help greatly. I’ve only met one person with it before, but she was a student teacher I had years ago in 6th grade for a few weeks & back then I wasn’t depressed about it. I just wonder why I have to have this & what I did to deserve it. I doubt it’s anything I’ve done, but my mind just ventures into that area. It’s just human nature to try to find a reason for something. Recently, I’m not as depressed until I notice it myself. Thanks for reading this whole thing if you did & I apologize for making such a long comment & for any typos I may have made.
In no way are you alone. I got my first spot in middle and it sucked. Honestly, even now, my senior year of highschool it sucks. The thing about this condition, is that it gives you a new perspective on the world. When I was sixteen all I worried about was girls and how my spots permitted any connection with them. I tried to kill myself on three different occasions, because I was tired of being ‘different’, the ‘polite’ stares adults make, and the outlandish questions kids asked. Thankfully I didnt, I can’t tell you why I didnt, because I honestly dont know. But I do know that this disease has made me a wiser more outgoing person. Because this disease hindered my looks, I tried to be the best at everything else… I got the leads in the plays, ran varsity cross country, made homeccoming court, and class president. I did things that average high schoolers wouldnt, with vitiligo. I hate this disease, I hate saying it out loud, but I love what it has taught me about myself. You can make it through this…trust me.
Thanks greatly for the support.
Woops, I failed to mention I usually wear a jacket, coat, or long sleeves no matter what the weather may be to conceal my Vitiligo on my arms.
If only the general awareness is that VITILIGO is not only an AUTOIMMUNE ATTACK against the MELANOCYTES in the EPIDERMIS. This begins at the genetic level!
Now, this is not in any of the books, but I am compiling mechanisms here! Maybe you can start a charity. Chromosome 13 is where I believe the defect is ….specifically at the HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) DR3 genetic coding location!
Since VITILIGO is associated with the most common cause of HYPOTHYROIDISM in AMERICA, GRAVES DISEASE! Therefore, it would definitely be wise for insurance companies to take interest in the management of the VITILIGO PATIENT! DUH!!!!
Oh, btw, HASHIMOTOS THRYOIDITIS…it runs is deleterious effect as a result of the defect on Chromosome 13 on the HLA DR3 too!
My friend, you have a good heart and I am so glad I can contribute to your forum! Please continue to spread your awareness and do good!
PS–> a joke! The Melanocyte produces Melanin. Eating watermelonin is not a cure for Vitiligo.
I have it. I’m 19 and I have wondered every day why on earth this has to happen. I try to pretend like I’m asexual with my family, to hide my anger at the fact that I’m uglier than 99.99% of men in America. It’s funny , knowin that nobody can ever be with you. Accepting the fact that you will be alone forever is my first start. I then tell myself breeding would only poison te human gene pool. I then repeat in my head that I’m te ugliest man on this planet, and these curse marks will keep everyone away. Them I feel calm, my drive to want to be normal vanishes. I feel like an emotionless monster, I tell myself I’m not human. It’s funny how easy life was before you turn 18 and realize that being a virgin is not normal. When you turn 19, life begins to go by fast. Now I am almost 20, I’m in college, and in will always be alone. I hate feeling that though, but every girl I have ever approached is sickened by me. I will hate turning 30, I might want a family then, and it will never happen. I will not kill myself though, god put me on this planet for a purpose. Although I don’t value my life because I know I’m not human ; this only means that I can take extreme risks in life, and live it to the fullest. I would get rid of this if I could , but I must live with the fact that they are un curable . 🙁 nevertheless I’m not an emotional both about it. If I don’t think about it, I forget , even for a second, that I am a cursed animal.
Dear James,
You are much much more than the skin you’re in. I’m sure there are many attractive features about you….such as you must be smart b/c you are in college. How about your eyes or smile or muscles or sense of humor or interests? Many woman find a man who doesn’t sleep around very attractive. I’m sure not feeling adequate has made you sensitive to the insecurities of others. Compassion is very attractive.
Have you seen a dermatologist? Although there isn’t a cure as you said, there can be improvements made through various treatments. The face responds particularly well.
You are not alone with this illness. We suffer together. It helps to remember those who are worse off than we are and those who excel despite their personal demons. Keep up the fight James. You are right. You are here for a purpose.
OMG, this is not an autoimmune disease and you can get repigmented. I read your post and you are so discouraged but you don’t have to be. I have it also. I have started a regime which I am going to list here for you. First of all research H-pylori that is what started this hateful thing in the first place. Then google hypochlorhydria. It is low stomach acid, about 90% of us vit sufferers have this. Do you think the drs. will tell you this, NOOOOOOOOO! They want to continue making money on us. Take all these supplements and expect to see pigment and be happy again!
1. Tyrosine and phenylainine
2. B- 100 (all the b vitamins)
3. Betaine hydrochloride with pepsin
4. Absorbic acid
5. Folic Acid
6. Whey Powder (from grass fed cows)
7. brewers yeast
Remember people in this world will try and make simple straight forward things complex to keep you confused and dependent on them so they can take advantage of you!
Write me: [email protected] I want to help you.
I have had vitiligo since I was 12. My mother has vitiligo as well. I did PUVA treatment when I has 12 and got blistered. After that, I just stopped doing anything until late last year.
What you have to remember is that there are new treatments that have come out in recent years. Furthermore, doctors are finding more about the disease. For example, UVB wasn’t an option until about a ten years ago. Excismer laser is proving to be effective form of treatment that wasn’t available recently. Scenesse is doing clinical study on afamelanotide (chemical developed in University of Arizon that induces pigment) that, together with UVB has repigmented even previously resistant areas like fingertips and lips (still many years before FDA will approve, but it is in the pipeline). You don’t know what will be discovered in the future.
I have lived with Vitiligo for 30 years. I have had girlfriends almost every point in my life. I survived with vitiligo through undergraduate and graduate school. Now, I am married with kids. If you really want to be loved, love others. Care about how others are feeling and doing instead of focusing on what others think of you. I am sure that you respond to people for more things than the color of their skin or their appearances. Take care of yourself (there is more to your health than skin color), love and care for others, and trust in God (not as a genie who will grant your wishes but as your creator who will give you the love and strength to thrive in love and joy no matter what the world may view as weakness). When you stop caring so much about what others think about you and how your come across to others, you will actually end up loving them more (because your love for them will not depend on them seeing you the way you want to be seen or giving you the kind of affirmation you think you need but in seeing them for who they are – another beautiful creation of God) and getting more love in return (the kind of love that will survive losing some pigment).
You are not alone, James. Take a look at all the people posting here who are thriving despite vitiligo. Look at even the celebrities (e.g., Jon Hamm from Mad Men) who are doing well despite vitiligo. But most importantly, you have your Creator who loves you and who will keep you no matter what the world may think of you. When I remember that Jesus sees me for all I am and still died for me and still loves me, I care less about what others think about my skin and more about how I can show them the kind of love Jesus shows me.
Take care, James, and don’t believe for a minute that this disease has to dictate what kind of life you will lead.
Hi I’m Angelica, I’m 15 years old and I was diagnosed with vitiligo a year ago. It’s really really hard. Everyday all I can think about is what I’m going to look like in 20 years, and if I even want to be here in 20 years. I’ll never get to do the same things other people do, like get a scratch. A scratch causes all my skin to turn white around that area. My dermatologist prescribed me steroid cream and it helped get rid of some of my vitiligo, which I was extremely happy about. But it doesn’t get rid of everything. I’m lucky it even worked though. I feel like I’ll never be able to do things that are perfectly normal for the rest of the world. I feel so shut out of everything. I just think why me? Only 1% of the world has this disease, why did I have to get it? I’ll never be able to have intercourse when I’m old enough, because of the vitiligo down there as well. I’ve always been a very positive person, but I don’t know how to stay positive this way. I’ll never be able to be normal and I cry every night just contemplating suicide, and I don’t mean to. I’m scared one day I won’t be able to take it anymore, and the only thing keeping me here is my parents and a few close friends. I just need help, and I feel completely helpless.
No, sweetie read my post. It was too much to type again.
Hey I’m 38 from northern cal.I’m glad I found this site.I have it on hands feet legs and genital areas.I have dealt with insecurity and depression all my life.at times I have felt so down that I wish I weren’t here.I know that there are much worse disorders to have yet it still bugs me when people stare.I’m half mexican and white so its pretty noticable.I’ve let depression insecurity and low self esteem keep me from some good times.now a days I focus on being positive and letting go of my will to have to control the uncontrollable.I try to meditate daily and work on inner peace with myself.it helps a lot.
Hi i’m Lili, and i am 14 years old and i’m diagnosed with vitiligo. And everyday i feel like crying and to suicide, because i know what people think of me when they walk pass me, and it pains me to know that even my parents aren’t supporting me. Everyday my parents call me useless, and saying that i will die alone and things like that, and every time they say that i think about suicide.The worst thing that they told me that killed me inside was that i wasn’t even suppose to be here (in Canada) in the first place. They wanted to bring my cousin who is two years older than me, and smarter than me. Everyday i wonder why i’m on Earth in the first place, is it so people can make fun of me, and having my parents make my self esteem lower than it can be? I feel like i want to suicide because of this.
Omg how can you say all that. Life is so wonderful. Go to vitiligofriends.com and read my posts. You can repigment. Also, wanted to tell you that God loves you. You might not be spiritual but it doesn’t matter because he does. Depression is common with this damn vitiligo. Read!
There is no reason to believe that anyone else can dictate your worth. There is someone much more worthy than any person in this world who values you so much that He died for you.
Others, but often times, we ourselves, will tell us that we are worthless or unlovable. This delusion isn’t limited to those with vitiligo. It happens to even celebrities that others might view as having the “perfect” life. Don’t believe that. Just know that this isn’t the end of your story, and you most definitely are not home yet.
I have lived with vitiligo for 30 years. I can’t even imagine what my life was like before I found out that I had this disease. However, I also know that God has brought good even through this disease. I have learned to love others irrespective of what affirmation they can give me or what affection they can return, I have learned to have compassion for those who are struggling, and I have learned to trust in my God. He didn’t take away the disease, but He surrounded me with love of my wife, my kids, and my friends and have given me the kind of contentment that I may not have found if I had the perfect skin with perfect appearances.
Trust in Him. Know that the path to happiness that the world tells you is the only way is truly a lie. Happiness doesn’t come from having the perfect skin. Happiness comes from you learning to truly love others.
Hi I’m Danah, Im 15 years.I’ve had vitiligo for 7 years now.Its really hard for me .People might not always say comments about my vitiligo but they stare.i have such low self esteem from my skin condition and for once i just want to feel good in my own skin.Ive been struggling with depression and insecurities for the past 2 years. i really dont know what to do with my life..
I’m Josh. The same one from December 24, Christmas Eve, 2012. My confidence has somewhat improved since then. I’m 17 now, and I’ll be a senior in August. I’ve been watching some motivational videos on YouTube, which significantly help. It’s funny: I’ll get bursts of confidence, then later depression, and sometimes just feel “normally” if that makes sense. Have my circumstances changed since my last post? In short, slightly. I don’t get depressed about my Vitiligo (or anything at all, really) as often as I once did. HOWEVER, when I DO get depressed, it is MUCH more intense and things feel absolutely hopeless. I’m quite certain that I have Avoidant Personality Disorder as well, but that’s not an official diagnosis by any means. But it seems to feed off of my Vitiligo, which does HIGHLY contribute to my social anxiety and etc. I’m going to the beach in a few weeks and I’l be highly embarrassed to wear short sleeves, shorts, and swimming trunks around so many people. I have to ask, has anyone found a way to actually LOVE your Vitiligo? I’ve heard from someone on YouTube who has it that it’s possible. If anyone has found a way to eliminate the hatred towards it and love it, please tell me. We need to love ourselves before others can love us. Our circumstances and situation don’t hold us back from success- it’s our MINDSET that does, so, any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
My name is Cole. I am 14 almost 15 and have had vitiligo since around 8 years old. It never really bothered me until high school started. I have it on the right whole side of my neck..I feel like i dont belong. I have never tokd my best friends because i feel like they would not accept me. (They cant see it because i usualy use a cover up now) It pains me everyday to see people with great skin. I am completely embarrased abd have shut my social life down. I dont get to close to anyone anymore and i wish there was a way to meet others with this problem.. i have become very sad. Any suggestions?
Thank you for your website. Its great that a resource like this exists but i’m crying as i read through it. Its all the things I feel and it hurts because vitiligo is taking away my spirit and personality. I relate to hiding away, losing motivation and my self confidence has plummmeted. I’m a few weeks from my 36th bday and i’ve had vitiligo since I was 17/18. It started with a heart shaped patch in the middle of my forehead. That went away but it began to spread slowly on my hands, feet, underarms, privates and across my body — i’ve watched this disease slowly change me into someone I dont want to be.
The last few years has been the hardest — ive watched my face begin to change. first my lips, then under my chin, then above my lips and the corners of my mouth. I now wear a full beard to cover it and wont dare shave it off!! i’m trapped by a mask that I would love to take off.
I also the corners of my eybrows and the top of my forehead showing white spots when I get some sun in Barcelona 2 years ago — I’ve avoided the sun like the plague and instead rot on my sofa while the sun, fun and friends enjoy a good life. These spots on my face have come and go like a big tease and now they’ve gotten very noticeable. I cant handle this disease taking my face!! Its already got most of my body and already projects sadness from my eyes.
I dont think I want to go any further. Its not a good feeling. I hate what this disease is doing to me and my own self worth. Crying inside is my spirit — dont know if there are many more tears left.
Well I feel the same way. What brings me do much pain is I nelieve in jesus. I am literally being tortured by this disease . As soon as I even get one lititle ray of hope . The spots spread on face and get worse and worse. Cried until I’m just without life on the inside. I physically get sick when I look in the mirror. I do have willpower I fasted for 6 months out of a year asking God to help me. The more I seek god the more pain I feel. I truly wish I was never born . The worst thing is that as soon as you accept how bad and grotesque you look. The next day you wake up with more spots and a new nightmare. The disease is relentless. I do not want to be with jesus when I die. Heaven would be helll knowing he did this to me. The only thing I can do is not look in the mirror. I want to commit suicide . But I am afraid.. I truly have zero motivaton to live. I’ve been keeping up hope for over 20 years. My whole life is just pain a pain that makes you cry until there is nothing left in you.
Hello everyone my name is Miguel Ruiz, I have had vitiligo since I was 21… I am currently 37 years old. One thing that has really helped me out a lot is that I haven’t cared too much about what people say or think about me. I am married with three kids and my wife loves taking care of me. She has done a lot of research and found many natural things for me to try, but I must confess they take time to prepare and I rather not do it. Just recently she found some pills which are very simple to take, two in the morning and two at night. It’s been nearly three weeks and already have started seeing some significant changes in my skin. I wish I could post them here but I can’t. I wanted to share this to let those of you who have thought about suicide, who are making their lives miserable because of this condition that there is hope. See I wasn’t looking for anything, it happened to come to me through my wife. People there is hope, don’t give up fighting for your life. Tell you what… my wife won’t mind sharing all her research with you. Maybe you might want to try all those things she believes will cure me but I won’t take. Why? because unlike you I don’t care what people say, simple! Feel free to contact me for anything, life is beautiful with or without a skin condition. [email protected]
Hey All
Reading all your comments made me realise that I am not alone. I am a 23 year old female who has had vitiligo since the age of 7. Growing up i never had any friends and to this day i don’t even now. Every day is a struggle. Not only do i have vitiligo but I am also very short and get teased about my height. I have grey hair, no self confidence and nothing to look forward to. I have never been asked out and have never had many people say I look nice. I am pretty isolated and my cousins dont talk to me or leave me out when it comes to famil gatherings. I’m tired because I know I wont get married and I know I am ffinding it harder to cope everyday. Does anyone have any advice on how to cope wwith it?
I have had vitiligo for a year now. I took treatments hoping it would disapear, instead the disease is more evident. I have no girlfriend because I am scared that my vitiligo will determine our relationship. I often get voices in my head telling me I’ll always be lonely, and live my life with no companion, so many times I’ve heard the voices that I now believe them. My vitiligo may not kill you physically, but it kills you mentally.
Hi I’ve had vitiligo 2 yrs and i’m 64 years old, and also have alopecia for 2 yrs. So much fun not , but i do know that we have to try but it is hard when u have no back up very very hard i really don’t have back from my husband of 44 yrs daughter no son yes a little don’t see him that much. Love my grandsons so so much but i don’t get to do the things i use to do like going to the beach walking in the sun so many other things i miss so much . so i do know what its like very hard wish you could all come and live with me so we could always have each others back most of the time ,we could all go out together and look at all the other people that would be fun. I would love to paint other peoples skin white and see how it feels also take half or more of there hair off their head see how that feels . OK i’m old but mad too. come and visit me i’m in california leave me and email or call me
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hi im 45 i got vitaligo may of 2016 i got out the shower and seen a lot of little white spots on my lower left leg i new what it was right away i was upset so in sept i went to the dermatogist to confirm it was vitaligo but she didnt tell me what it was she just gave me a cream called tracrolimus oinment right then i knew it was vitaligo so i seen her two time but after that i just said i just have to live with it and i love myself self so i be fine im always looking at people with vitaligo on youtube to just keep giving me courage eveyday and i have a good friend and family support so every day i look in the mirror and say you are beautiful vitaligo yes you are.
Know what guys i also have vitiligo but here is ayurvedic doctor in and he is retired head and dean of ayurveda university dr. Jn mishra. By taking medicines from him my vitiligo had been healed upto 55% in a year and know what i have this problem when i was 5 year old and was many times discriminated but in 2016 i started taking medicones from him and it worked now i am healing and i have got new hope !!!
Actualy in india he is
I have quite a difference story than most here. Hopefully, I can provide a sense of hope and optimism. I have Vitiligo and I was able to completely mitigate the effects of the disease because of diet and skincare routine. It took me years to formulate a skin care plan that made my skin look the best it possibly could.
I had Vitiligo since I was 5 years old. Socially, the early days of Vitiligo completely had me depressed. However, I focused on how to become the best version of myself. In middle school, I became a star athlete. I won several awards and I started to date the prettiest girls in school.
When High School started, I was one of the top prospects in NJ for football. Unfortunately, this is where Vitiligo won a battle against me. I could not stand the locker room in high school. I had spots on my chest and I did not want to take my shirt off. I played one season freshmen year and had a great season. Everyone in school thought that I was next in line for an athletic scholarship.
However, the following season, I lost all motivations to play football. I dealt with a very bad breakup dating one of the most prettiest girls in school and I blamed it on my Vitiligo.
I completely walked away from football and it was completely shocking to my school, family and friends. I went into somewhat of a depression, but I was able to find internal motivations to start excelling in school like never before. I now attend Rutgers Business School and I am doing well. You have to believe everything happens for a reason.
I am not trying to sound pretentious, throughout high school & now college, I was/am immensely popular. I have Vitiligo, but I focus on things that I can improve. Like hair, face, my body & what I put into it.
I dated the prettiest girls and all of that, so Vitiligo did not affect me socially. But it was still such a mental hurdle and continues to be and I want to help people reach the best version of themselves because I know how hard it could be. Everyone battles thru adversities.
Feel free to email me @ [email protected]
I would love to connect and help.